Welcome to Next Steps Transitions

Changing lives and transforming futures of Young Autistic People


We’re proud to announce that Next Step Transitions has become an affiliate member of the UK’s Careers Development Institute (CDI)

We are a non-profit organisation ensuring young autistic people get the individual support they require to make a smooth transition to their next stage of the learning journey.

How can we help

Next Steps Transitions provide a holistic three pronged approach to transitions, exploring education, mental health care and personal development.

Exploring Education Or Employment

We provide person centred relevant, timely advice and guidance to young people and their Parents/Carers with an ASC diagnosis to enable them to make informed decisions in relation to their next phase of education, training or employment. Check with your school if they signed up to the Next Step Transition programme to avail of sponsored transitions hours and apply directly to them. If they are not signed up you can still self-refer to our programme. Contact us for further information on costs.

Mental Health Care

Research has shown that young autistic people can find any transition period stressful and making the transition from their safety net of school into more independent study, training for employment is a significant period of stress which can impact their mental health. Our well-being director has the skills and experience to offer relevant mental health strategies to help the young autistic people on our programme.

Personal Development

Making the transition to become more independent can be difficult with many skills to master. We offer the opportunity for learning these skills from cooking on a budget, interview skills, use of social media and financial budgeting whether this is for university or life in general. These classes will take place during the summer 2024. Contact us for further information on costs.

Get Involved

There are many ways to help our cause

Join Our Sponsorship Programme

We have three different levels of programme sponsorships which are Gold, Silver & Bronze.


Providing young autistic people with the individual support they require to make a smooth transition and thrive in their new environment has a significant cost. If you feel that you could support this cause please contact us to donate to our programme and this will ensure the continued good work that makes a difference to an autistic person’s life forever.

10% off your first order

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